• 简体中文 → 英语
    驾照 (ZH-EN)  Product Image
    驾照 (ZH-EN) (按每个文件计价) 请上传驾照两页正反面共四面的照片,处理时间:1-2个工作日。
    驾龄证明/车管所证明 (ZH-EN) Product Image
    驾龄证明/车管所证明 (ZH-EN)(按每页计价) 处理时间:1-2个工作日。(提示:12123 APP上的安全驾驶记录通常不被大多伦多地区考点接受。)
    身份证 (ZH-EN) Product Image
    身份证 (ZH-EN)(按每个文件计价) 处理时间:1-2个工作日。
    新版出生纸 (ZH-EN)  Product Image
    新版出生纸 (ZH-EN) (按每页计价) 处理时间:1-2个工作日。
    老版出生证 (ZH-EN)  Product Image
    老版出生证 (ZH-EN) (按每个文件计价) 处理时间:1-2个工作日。
    毕业证/学位证 (ZH-EN) Product Image
    毕业证/学位证 (ZH-EN)(按每页计价) 处理时间:1-2个工作日。
    无犯罪证明 (ZH-EN) Product Image
    无犯罪证明 (ZH-EN)(按每页计价) 处理时间:1-2个工作日。
    房产证 (ZH-EN) Product Image
    房产证 (ZH-EN)(按每个文件计价) 处理时间:2-3个工作日。
    完税记录 (ZH-EN) Product Image
    完税记录 (ZH-EN)(按每页计价) 处理时间:1-2个工作日。
    户口本 (ZH-EN) Product Image
    户口本 (ZH-EN)(按每页计价) 处理时间:1-2个工作日。
    结婚证/离婚证 (ZH-EN) Product Image
    结婚证/离婚证 (ZH-EN)(按每个文件计价) 处理时间:1-2个工作日。
    死亡证 (ZH-EN) Product Image
    死亡证 (ZH-EN)(按每页计价) 处理时间:2-3个工作日。
    护照章 (ZH-EN) Product Image
    护照章 (ZH-EN)5个章以内45 CAD,多于5个章的,每个额外的章为6 CAD。处理时间:5个章/工作日。
    出入境记录 (ZH-EN) Product Image
    出入境记录 (ZH-EN)第一页49 CAD, 第二页起每页35 CAD。处理时间:1-2个工作日。
    微信截图 (ZH-EN) Product Image
    微信截图 (ZH-EN)(25 CAD/截图)处理时间:3个截图/1个工作日。最低收费45 CAD。
    个人信用报告 (ZH-EN) Product Image
    个人信用报告 (ZH-EN)(按每页计价) 处理时间:1-2个工作日。
    其他文件 (ZH-EN)  Product Image
    其他文件 (ZH-EN) 如果您找不到您要翻译的文件,请勾选此项、选择翻译件格式,并前往下一步上传文件。我们将在1小时内给您回复具体报价。
    英语 → 简体中文
    无犯罪证明 (EN-ZH) Product Image
    无犯罪证明 (EN-ZH)(按每页计价) 处理时间:1-2个工作日。
    毕业证/学位证 (EN-ZH) Product Image
    毕业证/学位证 (EN-ZH)(按每页计价) 处理时间:1-2个工作日。
    其他文件 (EN-ZH)  Product Image
    其他文件 (EN-ZH) 如果您找不到您要翻译的文件,请勾选此项、选择翻译件格式,并前往下一步上传文件。我们将在1小时内给您回复具体报价。
    繁體中文 → 英語
    駕照 (ZHTW-EN) Product Image
    駕照 (ZHTW-EN)(按每個文件計價) 處理時間:1-2個工作日。
    身分證 (ZHTW-EN) Product Image
    身分證 (ZHTW-EN)(按每個文件計價) 處理時間:1-2個工作日。
    其他文件 (ZHTW-EN)  Product Image
    其他文件 (ZHTW-EN) 如果您找不到您要翻譯的文件,請勾選此項、選擇翻譯件格式,並前往下一步上傳文件。我們將在1小時內給您回复具體報價。
    英語 → 繁體中文
    結婚證 (EN-ZHTW) Product Image
    結婚證 (EN-ZHTW)(95CAD/每頁) 處理時間:2-3個工作日。請在付款時備註文件上出現名字的中文名。
    出生證 (EN-ZHTW) Product Image
    出生證 (EN-ZHTW)(95CAD/每頁) 處理時間:2-3個工作日。請在付款時備註文件上出現名字的中文名。
    死亡證 (EN-ZHTW) Product Image
    死亡證 (EN-ZHTW)(95CAD/每頁) 處理時間:2-3個工作日。請在付款時備註文件上出現名字的中文名。
    其他文件 (EN-ZHTW)  Product Image
    其他文件 (EN-ZHTW) 如果您找不到您要翻譯的文件,請勾選此項、選擇翻譯件格式,並前往下一步上傳文件。我們將在1小時內給您回复具體報價。
    波斯语 → 英语
    Driver's License (FA-EN) Product Image
    Driver's License (FA-EN)(per doc) Processing time: 1-2 business days. Please leave a note of the official English spelling of the name and dates converted into Canadian calendar.
    Marriage Certificate Booklet (FA-EN) Product Image
    Marriage Certificate Booklet (FA-EN)(up to 5 pages) Processing time: 2-3 business days. Please leave a note of the official English spelling of the name and dates converted into Canadian calendar.
    Quote Other Documents (FA-EN)  Product Image
    Quote Other Documents (FA-EN) Select this item if you can't find your documents. Upload them and get a quote in 1 hour.
    法语 → 英语
    Driver's License (FR-EN)  Product Image
    Driver's License (FR-EN) (per doc) Processing time: 2-3 business days. Please leave a note of the official English spelling of the name.
    Diploma / Degree (FR-EN) Product Image
    Diploma / Degree (FR-EN)(per page) Processing time: 2-3 business days. Please leave a note of the official English spelling of the name.
    Police Certificate (FR-EN)  Product Image
    Police Certificate (FR-EN) (per page) Processing time: 2-3 business days. Please leave a note of the official English spelling of the name.
    Other Documents (FR-EN)  Product Image
    Other Documents (FR-EN) Select this item if you can't find your documents. Upload them and get a quote in 1 hour.
    德语 → 英语
    Driver's License (DE-EN) Product Image
    Driver's License (DE-EN)(per doc) Processing time: 1-2 business days.
    Police Certificate (DE-EN) Product Image
    Police Certificate (DE-EN)(per page) Processing time: 1-2 business days.
    Diploma / Degree (DE-EN)  Product Image
    Diploma / Degree (DE-EN) (per page) Processing time: 1-2 business days.
    Birth Certificate (DE-EN)  Product Image
    Birth Certificate (DE-EN) (per page) Processing time: 1-2 business days.
    Marriage Certificate (DE-EN)  Product Image
    Marriage Certificate (DE-EN) (per page) Processing time: 1-2 business days.
    Quote Other Documents (DE-EN)   Product Image
    Quote Other Documents (DE-EN) Select this item if you can't find your documents. Upload them and get a quote in 1 hour.
    意大利语 → 英语
    Driver's License (IT-EN)  Product Image
    Driver's License (IT-EN) (per doc) Processing time: 4-5 business days.
    Driving Record (IT-EN)  Product Image
    Driving Record (IT-EN) (per page) Processing time: 4-5 business days.
    Birth Certificate (IT-EN)  Product Image
    Birth Certificate (IT-EN) (per page) Processing time: 4-5 business days.
    Police Certificate (IT-EN)  Product Image
    Police Certificate (IT-EN) (per page) Processing time: 4-5 business days.
    Quote Other Documents (IT-EN)  Product Image
    Quote Other Documents (IT-EN) Select this item if you can't find your documents. Upload them and get a quote in 1 hour.
    日语 → 英语
    ID Card (JP-EN)  Product Image
    ID Card (JP-EN) (per doc) Processing time: 2-3 business days.
    Family Registration (JP-EN)  Product Image
    Family Registration (JP-EN) (per page) Processing time: 3-4 business days.
    Car Import Document (JP-EN) Product Image
    Car Import Document (JP-EN)(per page) Processing time: 2-3 business days.
    Quote Other Documents (JP-EN)   Product Image
    Quote Other Documents (JP-EN) Select this item if you can't find your documents. Upload them and get a quote in 1 hour.
    韩语 → 英语
    Marriage Certificate (KR-EN)  Product Image
    Marriage Certificate (KR-EN) (per page) Processing time: 2-3 business days.
    Quote Other Documents (KR-EN)   Product Image
    Quote Other Documents (KR-EN) Select this item if you can't find your documents. Upload them and get a quote in 1 hour.
    俄语 → 英语
    Driver's License (RU-EN) Product Image
    Driver's License (RU-EN)(per doc) Processing time: 2-3 business days. Please leave a note of the official English spelling of the name.
    Driving Record (RU-EN)  Product Image
    Driving Record (RU-EN) (per page) Processing time: 2-3 business days. Please leave a note of the official English spelling of the name.
    Birth Certificate (RU-EN) Product Image
    Birth Certificate (RU-EN)(per page) Processing time: 2-3 business days. Please leave a note of the official English spelling of the name.
    Passport Stamp (RU-EN)  Product Image
    Passport Stamp (RU-EN) Price is 45 CAD before tax for up to 5 stamps. Any additional stamp costs 8 CAD. Processing time: 5 stamps / 3 business days.
    Marriage Certificate (RU-EN)  Product Image
    Marriage Certificate (RU-EN) (per page) Processing time: 2-3 business days. Please leave a note of the official English spelling of the name.
    Police Certificate (RU-EN)  Product Image
    Police Certificate (RU-EN) (per page) Processing time: 2-3 business days. Please leave a note of the official English spelling of the name.
    Diploma / Degree (RU-EN) Product Image
    Diploma / Degree (RU-EN)(per page) Processing time: 2-3 business days. Please leave a note of the official English spelling of the name.
    Quote Other Documents (RU-EN)  Product Image
    Quote Other Documents (RU-EN) Select this item if you can't find your documents. Upload them and get a quote in 1 hour.
    西班牙语 → 英语
    Driver's License (ES-EN) Product Image
    Driver's License (ES-EN)(per doc) Processing time: 1-2 business days.
    1-Page Driving Record (ES-EN) Product Image
    1-Page Driving Record (ES-EN)(per doc) Processing time: 1-2 business days.
    2-Page Driving Record (ES-EN) Product Image
    2-Page Driving Record (ES-EN)(per doc) Processing time: 1-2 business days.
    Apostille (ES-EN)  Product Image
    Apostille (ES-EN) (per page) Processing time: 2-3 business days.
    Marriage Certificate (ES-EN) Product Image
    Marriage Certificate (ES-EN)(per page) Processing time: 2-3 business days.
    Police Certificate (ES-EN) Product Image
    Police Certificate (ES-EN)(per page) Processing time: 2-3 business days.
    Birth Certificate (ES-EN) Product Image
    Birth Certificate (ES-EN)(per page) Processing time: 2-3 business days.
    Passport Stamp (ES-EN) Product Image
    Passport Stamp (ES-EN)Price is 45 CAD before tax for up to 5 stamps. Any additional stamp costs 8 CAD. Processing time: 5 stamps / 2 business days.
    Diploma / Degree (ES-EN) Product Image
    Diploma / Degree (ES-EN)(per page) Processing time: 2-3 business days.
    Quote Other Documents (ES-EN)  Product Image
    Quote Other Documents (ES-EN) Select this item if you can't find your documents. Upload them and get a quote in 1 hour.
    Round-up / Scanning / PrintingOther admin charges.
    ** 请选择纸质版文件的取件方式 (如果您只需要电子版,可跳过这一步,电子版将发送至您的电子邮箱。)
    * 取件* 不同语种的取件地点不同。请根据订单文件的语言选择对应取件地点,不可混取。
    * 平邮* 时效:5-10个工作日,无追踪号。如第一封平邮信件未送达,我们将免费给您再寄一份。往后为5 CAD/封。
    * 快递* 时效:1-2个工作日。请根据收件地所在城市查看快递价格。